HangTime | 1st Dive Coaster On the West Coast | Knott’s Berry Farm
BUENA PARK, CA - The first Dive Coaster in California is ready to open to the public, only at Knotts Berry Farm.
HangTime is here!
Roller Coaster fans have waited several months, and now it's here. California's "first and only dive coaster," a mountainous range of steel that takes all who ride it through a variety of loops and sharp turns. The anticipation for its debut has been rising and on Friday, May 18 is when the first fans will strap in and experience HangTime.
HangTime will tower 150 feet over the Boardwalk area, showcasing gravity-defying inversions, mid-air suspensions and twisting dive tracks. HangTime will send riders up a vertical lift hill into a raised 96-degree drop - the steepest drop in California. The coaster’s train will come to a halt once the highest peak is reached, and will leave riders suspended at the crest for several seconds at a 60-degree angle, giving the illusion of a disappearing track. Then the train will suddenly descend in a beyond-vertical drop, through 2,198 feet of steel track and five gravity-defying inversions. HangTime will be only the second rollercoaster in the Western Hemisphere to feature a negative-g stall loop, which gives riders the sensation of floating.
Get a glimpse of Hangtime, watch the video below.
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